Sacral hungarian dance

Hungarian, because they are based on Hungarian songs, and sacral because it is pointing toward God.

To dance in mud and dust, in a myrtle wreath, because it can give you a thousand joys, love, embrace, wisdom – your sacral path, present and future is one thing only: Life Enclosed in Dance

To be free in dancing is like breathing together with the Earth; it is like breathing: if one day I woke up and could not dance any more, I think I would die because of that.

To know that you are and will stay alive: it is Dance itself.

The Hungarian sacral dance is the Past that took the form of a dance.

Dance choreography entitled “Conjure with my Heart”
sacral Hungarian dance, “Papp László” Budapest Sport Aréna
Republic grand concert
Music: Republic

Dance choreography entitled “You have given me this muddy road”
Sacral Hungarian dance
Music: Republic

Dance choreography entitled “The Battle of the Huns”
Sacral Hungarian dance
Music: The Prancing Miraculous Stag

Dance choreography entitled “I Will Bless You with Sorrow and Joy”
Sacral Hungarian dance
Music/lyrics: Márton Vizi / Attila József

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