
Duna TV

Appearance in the television programme “Family-friend” of Lilla Vincze, with her family and friends: WATCH

“In the Embrace of Mothers” – Report 2015

On the Road – Dance movie:

Szakcsi World Jazz Project in Művészetek Palotája (Palace of Arts, Budapest)

Dance report – in Kultikon, the art programme of Duna TV

Dance and Prayer – Duna TV

Concert Theatre in Sportaréna (Budapest Sport Arena): Republic – Varázsolj a szívemmel (Conjure with my Heart)

Concert Theatre in Petőfi Csarnok (Petőfi Hall, Budapest)

Templomkerti Esték (CHURCHYARD EVENINGS, regular art event, Budapest)

Hétesi Romatelep – Cigány Himnusz (Gipsy quarter ‘Hétes’, Ózd – Gipsy Anthem)

Kodály Zoltán Férfikórus: Hazatérés. ‘Híd a magyar és a roma kultúra között’ (Kodály Zoltán Men’s Chorus: Hazatérés (Returning Home) by Kristóf Vígh, in the programme “Bridge between the Hungarian and Roma cultures”)

Advent Concert with dance in the Church of Terézváros, Budapest